Unbiased Advice and Independent Trust Services

open-architecture business model
Over $4 billion in assets under administration
Working with third party investment advisors, property managers, and other professionals, we are uniquely positioned not just to administer a client’s trust and oversee trust assets, but to truly act in our clients’ best interests.
Our clients are located in California, Nevada, and throughout the United States. We maintain a low client-to-professional relationship ratio.
Trusted oversight
We serve as trustee and administrator for:
- Family Trusts, both Revocable and Irrevocable
- Charitable Trusts and Private Foundations
- Qualified Domestic Trusts
- Conservator of the estate in limited circumstances
- Court-ordered “neutral” Trustee relationships
- Other situations where a corporate fiduciary is required or preferred
Experienced with all assets
We administer a range of assets including:
- Stocks, bonds, marketable securities and cash
- Real estate, including multi-family, commercial, industrial, agricultural and residential properties
- Private businesses, including operating companies, LLC interests and partnerships
- Unique collections including art collections, jewelry and antique automobiles
- Water, mineral, oil and gas interests
- Intellectual property holdings including music and other royalty interests
“We endeavor to work with each client’s existing team so their heirs will have the benefit of those professional relationships.”
Leeann W. Davis